Democrats Keep The Momentum Going In Georgia As Black Voter Turnout Is High


Democrats have kept rolling in Georgia as black voter turnout in Democratic areas has been high for the Senate runoff.

Politico reported:

Democrats have largely kept up that momentum, with Black voters — a key component of the party’s base in Georgia — making up a greater share of the early electorate compared to what early turnout looked like before the November election.

During that period, Black voters were 29 percent of the electorate, noted John Couvillon, a Louisiana-based Republican pollster. Through Thursday, Black voters were 32.4 percent of the early vote for next week’s runoff, a positive sign of engagement for Warnock’s campaign. Warnock earned 90 percent support from Black voters last month, according to the Edison exit poll.

“I think Sen. Warnock is building himself a pretty formidable lead right now as we speak,” Couvillon said.

Walker is going to need a very strong election day turnout to with the runoff, and there are not many signs of that happening. If anything, Republican turnout might be depressed because control of the Senate is not on the line.

There is a segment of Georgia Republicans that didn’t support Walker but voted for Gov. Brian Kemp in November. Without control of the Senate hanging in the balance, it is difficult to see those voters showing up on Tuesday.

If Democrats keep pushing through Tuesday, Warnock might be building an insurmountable lead. Just a few days of hard work, and Democrats might be in a position to expand their Senate majority.

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