Greta Thunberg Triggers Wanted Human Trafficker Andrew Tate So Badly That He Accidentally Discloses His Location And Gets Captured


Alleged rapist and human trafficker Andrew Tate tried to pick a fight with Greta Thunberg, and her response owned him so badly that his reply tipped the Romanian police off to his location where Tate and his brother were arrested.

How it started:

How it ended:

The Romanian authorities had been waiting for Tate to be in Romania, and this pizza box was the tipoff that led law enforcement to the brothers who are accused of rape and human trafficking:

Tate tried to “own the libs,” to use a popular US term, and he ended up raided and behind bars.

According to The Guardian, the case against Tate has been building since April, “In April, the brothers’ mansion was raided by police following a tip-off from the US embassy that a 21-year-old American woman was being held against her will. The Tates were taken in for questioning before being released and deny wrongdoing. The Romanian authorities said last week that the investigation, later expanded to cover human trafficking and rape allegations, was ongoing.”

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Besides trying to save the planet, Greta Thunberg could also add social media crime fighter to her list of accomplishments.

Andrew Tate should be a lesson to all of the criminal conservatives around the world who are obsessed with triggering or owning the libs.

The only person that got owned by picking a fight with Thunberg was Andrew Tate.


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