Rapists will be chemically castrated in Pakistan under new laws approved by Prime Minister Imran Khan


PAKISTAN’S Prime Minister Imran Khan has given his approval to a new law allowing for the chemical castration of rapists.

The former cricket legend also gave his backing to measures to fast track fast-tracking rape cases and improve witness protection.

Imran Khan gave his backing to chemically castrating rapists


Imran Khan gave his backing to chemically castrating rapistsCredit: AP:Associated Press

The 68-year-old PM approved the measures during a federal cabinet meeting during which the law ministry presented a draft of the anti-rape ordinance, GeoTV reports.

Pakistan was recently shaken by the kidnap and rape of a mum and her four-year-old daughter were held for two weeks after being lured with false promises of work.

Their horrific ordeal began when they met three men in a hospital who said they would pay her a large sum of money.

Giving his blessing to the new measures, Khan said: “We need to ensure a safe environment for our citizens.”

Convicted rapists in Pakistan face up to 25 years imprisonment or the death penalty.

But bringing perpetrators to justice is hindered by ineffective and slow investigation and prosecution.

In the wake of the rape of a woman on a motorway in the city of Lahore, Khan recently suggested said convicted rapists should be publicly hanged or surgically castrated.

Paedophile Sohail Ayaz has been handed three death sentences


Paedophile Sohail Ayaz has been handed three death sentences

The French mum was gang-raped in front of her two young children last week after being attacked on a motorway after her car ran out of fuel.

The woman was waiting for help when two men smashed in her car windows and dragged her and her kids to a nearby field.

A paedophile who worked for Save the Children in the UK has been sentenced to death in his home country after confessing to raping 30 children

Sohail Ayaz has been handed three death sentences for his crimes in Pakistan, said officials, and will be executed by hanging.

Pakistan will join Kazakhstan in chemically castrating sex offenders.

The central Asian former Soviet republic recently passed tough new laws to inject chemicals to lower the sex drive of sickos caged for raping or sexually assaulting kids.

Court orders for chemical castration are made on the basis of a psychiatric diagnosis of paedophilia – described as a “sex drive disorder” – for those convicted child sex crimes.

Nigeria has, however, opted to go one state further and surgically castrate convicted rapists.

Those convicted in the state of Kaduna will also be handed the death penalty for raping a child under the age of 14 and a life sentence for raping an adult.

Pakistan PM Imran Khan wants to publicly hang rapists or surgically castrate them after string of horror sex attacks