WATCH: 5 Ways Your Law Firm’s Inefficient Processes Are Slowing Growth

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Speaker: Erica Birstler, Vice President at

If increased business and profitability is a goal of your law firm, there’s a good chance that you are consistently searching for new ways to spark growth. But one of the simplest solutions may be right in front of you. If your daily billing and accounting processes consist of a patchwork of ad hoc tasks and endlessly inputting data into multiple systems, you may be hindering your own growth without even realizing it. Using too many systems to manage your practice (like one to bill your clients and another to keep track of your accounting) means that you and you’re team spending valuable time on administrative tasks when you could be logging billable hours or finding new clients.

In this presentation, we’ll show you how to identify inefficient areas of your practice as well as how to implement new tools and processes that can save you time, make your team more accurate, and make your business more profitable.

Learning Objectives

  • Define what makes a law office’s billing and accounting processes unique
  • Identify 5 common challenges law firms face when using separate software
  • Learn ways to utilize technology in order to streamline common legal practice processes

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