Trump Terrorist Who Thought Her Whiteness Would Save Her Compares Herself To Jews In Germany


Before Jenna Ryan reported to jail to begin her 60-day sentence for attempting to overthrow the government, she compared herself to the Jews in Germany.

Via: NBC News:

“They’re making fun of my skin color. They’re calling me an ‘insurrection Barbie,’” she said.

“They have no idea who I am as a person, what my beliefs are, what I’ve been through, who I am,” she added. “They see me as a one-dimensional caricature. They don’t see me as a human.” 

“And so, that is the epitome of a scapegoat. Just like they did that to the Jews in Germany. Those were scapegoats. And I believe that people who are Caucasian are being turned into evil in front of the media.”

Jenna Ryan’s situation is nothing like the Jews in Germany. Jenna Ryan is a domestic terrorist who attempted to overthrow the government.  Ryan is the white woman who bragged that her whiteness would keep her out of jail. 

Ryan is so entitled and racist that instead of taking responsibility for her actions, she is playing the victim. Those poor persecuted white people. How dare they not be allowed to overthrow the government, because their candidate lost?

We all see Jenna Ryan as a human being. She is a human being who committed an act of domestic terrorism against the United States and deserves to be in jail.

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