Trump Described As Living In A Sad Barbie Dream House


New reporting on Trump’s post-presidential life explains how he got himself on the cusp of a criminal indictment by living in a sad Barbie Dream House with no rules.

The Washington Post reported:
A longtime Trump confidant termed his Mar-a-Lago existence, where he has tried to re-create the trappings of the presidency, as “sad.” Comparing it to life at the White House, this person added, “It’s like a Barbie Dream House miniature.”

By evening, Trump emerges for dinner, surrounded most nights by adoring club members who stand and applaud at his appearance; they stand and applaud again after he finishes his meal and retires for the night. He often orders special meals from the kitchen and spends time curating the music wafting over the crowd, frequently pushing for the volume to be raised or lowered based on his mood. In the Oval Office, Trump had a button he could push to summon an aide to bring him a Diet Coke or snacks. Now, he just yells out commands to whichever employee is in earshot.

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The article describes Trump as even more isolated than when he was president. It has been speculated that isolation and a lack of people around him to say no are some of the reasons why Putin launched Russia’s disastrous invasion of Ukraine.

Trump is out of power and completely isolated, so with no one to tell him no or stop his bad ideas, he is on the verge of being criminally indicted for mishandling and stealing classified information.

Donald Trump is the delusional figure living in his Barbie Dream House and thinking that America still loves him because paying club members applaud when he enters and exits a room.

The failed former president seems even less mentally stable than he was before and his current life is Exhibit A for why he should never be allowed to return to the White House.

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