Rachel Maddow Uncovers George Santos’s Biggest Lie Yet That He Was The Target Of An Assassination Attempt


Rachel Maddow obtained exclusive video of Rep. George Santos claiming he was the victim of an assassination attempt.



Maddow said:

I want you to see it. In this interview, then congressman-elect George Santos is speaking with the host in Portuguese, so we have subtitles it. He starts off talking about an alleged act of vandalism, which he says was targeted at him simply because he’s a Republican. But then in the midst of that, he says, oh, also someone tried to murder him.

We have already suffered an attempt on my life, an assassination attempt. There was an assassination attempt, really? Then congressman-elect George Santos did not elaborate on his claim in the interview.

Here is the screenshot with the English subtitle:

George Santos claims that he was the victim of an assassination attempt.

Kevin McCarthy thinks that Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff are unfit to serve on committees, but he gave George Santos two committee assignments.

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It is fun to laugh at Santos’s outrageous lies, and late-night comedians are having a field day with him, but George Santos is a pathological liar who should not be in any position of power.

Having a person like Santos in Congress and on congressional committees is dangerous to the country.

If George Santos finds it this easy to lie and defraud, imagine what he could do with national security information.

Santos’s casual lying is what makes him dangerous.

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