Law Technology Today Top 10

top 10

On the final Tuesday of every month, we will be featuring the top 10 posts of the past month. Below are the articles you read the most during June!

1. “Withdrawing Invitations to Connect on LinkedIn” by Allison Shields Johs

“Too many people find out too late they’ve clicked the wrong button and invitations have been sent to every single person in their address book.”

2. “What Are the Harmful Effects of Virtual Reality?” by Cheryl Roy

“When you’re in the VR world, it can take as few as 30 minutes to lose your sense of spatial awareness in this one. Your brain may be able to quickly adapt to inhabiting the virtual world, but your body will still remain in this reality—and so will the walls you can walk into and slip, trip, and fall hazards, and people you may punch in the face.”

3. “What’s Next for Intellectual Property Law and Artificial Intelligence?” by Shannon Flynn

“While AI can assist you with IP law cases, the reverse is also true. IP laws are also critical for AI creations. Since artificial intelligence is such a quickly expanding field, protecting the intellectual property of those who develop the creations is thus more essential than ever.”

4. “Five Legal Tech Start-Ups to Look Out For” by Vasy Kafidoff

“It is not surprising that legal tech is booming. According to Thomson Reuters’ research of 2017, the number of new legal technology patents grew by 484% in just five years.”

5. “How Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI Is Used in Law” by Shannon Flynn

“NLP is a subset of AI that processes natural human language, either in text or voice. Some of the most familiar examples include Google’s predictive search suggestions, spell checkers and voice recognition. NLP is a promising industry, expected to be worth $27.6 billion by 2026, and it has significant implications for the legal sector.”

6. “The Top Three Tools When Comparing Documents With a Mac” by Benjamin Whetsell

“When you work with text, as you certainly do in law, you often need to be able to compare one text to another easily and quickly. Like lawyers, software developers routinely compare different versions of text (source code, not legal documents) as they work—but the way software developers typically go about this is very different, and arguably better, than the way lawyers typically go about this.”

7. “Top Five Free Legal Apps for Your Smartphone” by Jean Philippe Belanger

“Whether you are a doctor, a stay-at-home mom, an engineer, or a city planner, you will need to know the constitution and the laws applying to various professions. Fortunately, studying the law can be easy.  Lawyers, clients, and other professionals can find legal apps that will suit all their needs.”

8. “How Smart Contracts are Changing Legal Contracts” by Michael Matthews

“Don’t be surprised when law firms of the future retain data scientists on their teams to leverage blockchain technology and harness the benefits of smart contracts for all.”

9. “Five Great Collection Letter Templates For Your Law Firm

“Here are some collection letters to keep on hand. These will take you through every phase of the collection process, from the first invoice to receipt of payment.”

10. “Five Tips To Search Beyond Google and Into the Deep Web” by Lecia Kaslofsky

“When you do web research, you probably rely on a search engine like Google. Think you’re searching the whole web when using Google? Wrong.”