Industry Insight Webinar | The Top 5 Ways Lawyers Can Improve Their Clients’ Experience

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April 28th, 2021 2:00-2:30 PM ET

People become lawyers for many different reasons. But no matter the reason that initially sparked their interest, if lawyers would like to continue practicing law, they need to ensure that they are providing their clients (whoever they may be) with the best overall experience. A great client experience, from intake to invoicing, means that regardless of the outcome of your case or matter, your relationship with your clients can remain strong and your chance of client disputes can remain low.

But what does creating a great client experience look like and what steps can you take to improve your current client interactions? This presentation will cover a selection of the most impactful changes you can make to give your clients the experience they deserve. From the basics of establishing secure communications to providing simple ways to share documents and files, and preparing your invoices in a way that makes them easy to understand and makes collecting on-time payment effortless. These tips and tricks can not only boost your clients’ experience but boost your bottom line as well — as we all know, a happy client not only returns but tells their friends and family.

Learning objectives:

  • Define what “client experience” means to your law firm and your clients
  • Identify five common areas of client dissatisfaction
  • Learn how to improve your clients’ experience using technology

Speakers: Erica Birstler, Vice President at