Democrats to Form War Room to Respond to Republican Abuse of Oversight in Investigations


We are to the point where we’re going to have investigators to investigate the investigators investigating the investigators. Even more pitifully, it is absolutely necessary and the right thing to do. Republicans have spent the last year campaigning on the promise to investigate the January 6th investigation and all investigations into the GOP, just as they investigated the FBI’s investigation into Russia. The Democrats plan to have a war room ready to respond to any abuse of oversight, and it is both a good idea and necessary.

From Politico:

“The newly relaunched Congressional Integrity Project initiative, details of which were shared first with POLITICO, will include rapid response teams, investigative researchers, pollsters and eventually a paid media campaign to put congressional Republicans ‘squarely on the defense,’ founder Kyle Herrig said in an interview.

“It’s designed to serve as the party’s ‘leading war room’ to push back on House Republican investigations, Herrig said in an interview.”

Speed does seem to be the key in today’s polarized 24-hour news cycle. It is possible to kill a story or at least turn it directly around very quickly. It is heartening to hear that Democrats refuse to just be a punching bag for two years like they were during the Benghazi hearings.

In a deeper description:

[The plan is to] expose their political motivations and the monied special interests supporting their work, and hold them accountable for ignoring the urgent priorities of all Americans in order to smear Joe Biden and do the political bidding of Trump and MAGA Republicans.”

That is a tall order, but exposing the money interests alone would go a long way. There is also the fact that the GOP has complained about “the border” as one of Biden’s biggest failures. For every small headline about some ridiculous finding, the Democrats can point out that the Republicans lead the House and haven’t put forth a single piece of legislation to address the border… or anything else.

It is somewhat sad that it is needed, but it most certainly is needed, and it’s gratifying to hear.


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